
You’re probably wondering how I got here… we’ll… it’s a long story so I hope you have time:

I always had a hard time to lose weight unless I was starving myself and going full force in the gym. I was gaining weight rapidly, but still working out and eating healthy. I asked so many times for a solution from the PCP and the only one she’d ever give was to stop eating carbs and work out, which was no help as I was already living an active lifestyle. After 6 months and gaining about 30lbs and ditched that PCP for good. Screw her right?!

After that, I was fighting to see the scale go down after riding like a maniac on the Peloton and starving myself. I was definitely in a calorie deficit by then but no changes in weight. I just was stuck at 218lbs…sad and totally defeated. Basically, a whole other person who literally hated everything and fought with people I loved because I was depressed.  Then guess what? I gained 10lbs on top of the 30lbs I already packed on. “F*** this”.

August 2022, I went to see my new PCP, and I’ll skip ahead, saved my life. She put me on the shots (Tirzepatide). The first month I lost 17lbs and the weight started coming off slowly and naturally after that. Every month I’d have my check up and she’d say how proud she was of me which made me proud for myself in a sense that finally I was able to feel normal. 

January 2023, I started going consistently to the gym and lifting heavy to build back this muscle. And basically here we are today. Living our best life, trying to keep my health in check. Finally with a doctor who listened to me… who trusted my judgement that something was wrong and believed me that I was working out and trying. I share my journey as a lot of people may be out there undiagnosed with some hormonal problem. To date I am about 75lbs down and went from a size 14 to a size 6.

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